Skills: Homepage, Presentation

Costruire la sensazione del colore
” Tutti i segnali visivi che riceviamo passano  attraverso una zona della corteccia celebrale chiamata V1, in cui sono attive le cellule e i coni sensibili alla lunghezza d’onda. Le cellule della zona chiamata V4 sono invece preposte al colore. Le aree V4 ricevono gli impulsi dalla V1 ed ecco che, tramite una complessa serie di passaggi sinaptici calcolati in millisecondi, questi impulsi vengono ulteriormente elaborati con il risultato finale di costruire la sensazione del colore”
Nei miei lavori intendo analizzare il rapporto umano con la percezione emotiva a livello sensoriale e celebrale.
Sono grandi tele annegate nel colore aventi una natura frammentaria che tenta di dialogare tra l’impermanenza bidimensionale e la profonda intensità tridimensionale del sentire umano.
Ricerco l’armonia.
Nelle lastre l’armonia arriva, tramite riflessi, velature e luce.
Cerco d’includere anche lo spettatore, cerco di farlo diventare attore di una rappresentazione che lo impegni nel decifrare minime variazioni sensoriali, facendolo precipitare in tempi e spazi qualitativi di meditazione e di scoperta.

Building the sensation of colour

“All visual signals we receive first pass through an area of the cerebral cortex called V1, where the cells and cones sensitive to wavelengths are active. The cells in the area called V4 deal with colour. The V4 areas receive the impulses from V1 and, via a complex series of synaptic passages calculated in milliseconds, these impulses are processed with the result of creating the sensation of colour”
In my works I intend to analyse the human relationship with emotional perception at a sensory and cerebral level.
They are big canvasses, drowned in colour, of a fragmentary nature which tries to establish a dialogue between bi-dimensional impermanence and the deep three-dimensional intensity of human feeling.
I look for harmony.
In the slabs harmony arrives, via reflexes, veilings and light.
I also try to include the spectators, I try to make them become actors of a representation that engages them in deciphering minimal sensory variations, moving them towards times and spaces in tune with those of meditation and discovery.
Or at least I try…

engravings by
Raffaella La Vena
Roots in the ground, branches in the sky…
The tree lives between the sky and the sea
With “IN/NATURA”, collection of etched, aquatint and soft-ground chalcographic
engravings, Raffaella La Vena gives shape to the fairy tales and stories she has put down on
paper. Besides the engravings, small artist books accompany the exhibition:
with simplicity and tenderness, through a symbolic language and subjects taken from the animal and plant
world, the artist metaphorically depicts the world of human beings.
Trees, roots, flowers, leaves and animals follow one another among her works; the fairy tales are inspired
by nature and the encounter with the animal world, becoming a pretext to talk of
mankind. From the levity of birds in the sky, light as the leaves on trees, you move down
to the roots sunk in the ground, symbol of an intricate psyche and metaphor of every origin.
S. P.